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Gui Goncalves

You can't buy happiness, but you can buy the services of a software engineer who is proficient in multiple programming languages and paradigms with a strong track record in driving product development through engineering excellence — and that's pretty much the same thing.

I work best in high-performance, autonomous teams with high ownership of a big problem space. I believe quality is free for those willing to pay for it. I am convinced developers are uniquely positioned to define and build great products, and it has been my privilege to work on a few such teams.

Work experience

Remote, UK Funding Circle 🔗

Engineering Manager Since Sep/23

Lead Engineer Oct/21 – Sep/23

Software Engineer Jul/21 – Oct/21

I work on the US business at FC. I lead the team that works on the credit strategy, maintaining the decisioning systems and co-designing processes with Risk and Operations. Some important projects the team has delivered:

London, UK Citigroup 🔗

Vice President, FX Tech Jul/20 – Jul/21

I was part of the team maintaining Trader Toolkit, an application reading from dozens of data sources inside the bank (order books, APIs, relational DBs, kdb+) and exposing them as time series that can be composed, compared, correlated and plotted. This was done with a Kafka Streams-like library in TypeScript that ran on both Node and on browsers. My work involved:

London, UK Tractable 🔗

Software Engineer Oct/18 – Jul/20

I worked mainly on the AI Review product, which compares invoices produced by body shops with estimates generated by computer vision. During my time there, we tripled our client base with significant geographic expansion, the number of claims we processed going up by multiple orders of magnitude.

Remote, US Lastline (now part of vmware) 🔗

Dec/15 – Oct/18 Software Engineer

When I joined Lastline, they were known mainly for their industry-leading malware sandbox. Over time, their network security product became more robust. I worked on the webapp that put everything together: analysts used it to find events and publish signatures; reverse engineers used it to observe malware behaviour; admins used it to manage their network and devices.

Initially a “skunkworks” project, I was part of the small team launching NTA, a product that analysed and correlated netflows to tell a complete story, according to the ATT&CK framework.


2010 – 2015 Federal University of São Carlos

Industrial Engineering (incomplete)

I studied Industrial Engineering while working part-time as a programmer. Around the time when I was writing my senior thesis, I realised programming was actually what I loved to do. I left University and pursued programming full-time instead.

Which is not to say my time at the university was not helpful. A lot of the state of the art in manufacturing science is useful in software engineering: